I'm currently sitting in the Portland airport, watching masses of people swarming around as almost every flight has been delayed for various mechanical reasons.While I'd like to be on my way home …
Trippin’ In Joshua Tree
I've struggled with whether or not to write this story.Actually, I always knew I would write it, but wasn't sure I would ever share it here. After all, I'm an upstanding young woman practicing …
10 Things I Learned At The World Domination Summit
This past weekend, 1000 travelers, hustlers and entrepreneurs descended upon Portland, Oregon for the World Domination Summit, a gathering about living an unconventional life in a conventional world, …
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Limiting Beliefs, Roger Bannister and the 4-Minute Mile
"The man who can drive himself further when the effort gets painful is the man who will win." -Roger Bannister On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister became the first person to run a sub-4 minute mile. …
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Want To Achieve a Big Goal? Remove Choice From The Equation
We live in a culture of choice. Big, small, X-large, decaf, grande, no foam, etc... (can you tell I'm drinking a grande decaf cappuccino right now?)Choice is good some of the time. It's nice to have …
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The Psychosphere Is Getting A Makeover… Again!
Big things are coming for The Psychosphere.First off, whether this is you're first time (welcome!) or you've been with me a while (thanks for sticking with me!), I want to thank you for coming here, …
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