Hi readers! There is so much to say, and so much to update you all on. I intend to write again soon, but in lieu of trying to write about everything that's happened recently, I thought I'd let some …
How to Cope When Life Sucks
First off, I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all of your positive feedback and comments about my UCLA Grand Rounds talk. I had so much fun doing it and I'm thrilled my message resonated with so many …
First, I loss my health. It happened when the tumor grew. It grew so fast I lost the time to choose. They said I'd lose my fertility, too.Then I lost my hair, my body. It shrunk and shriveled up …
Love Is… (Holy Shit, I Have Cancer)
Last week I wrote about how our world is ruled by love, and this week circumstances conspired to show me just how true that really is.Love is when a week ago I go to the ER at UCLA, where I …
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