From the beginning, there were so many signs that my cancer didn’t have a chance.
First, there was the rock-hard lymph node above my collarbone that disappeared with one night of steroids, even before I started chemotherapy.
Then, there was the chest x-ray done only a few days after starting my first round of chemo. It’s not pretty, and you can see that the lining of my left lung is still filled with fluid, but the large, shadowy mass when I was first diagnosed had largely melted away.
Then, there was the chest x-ray taken less than two weeks later, before starting my second round of chemo. The mass is almost completely gone.
After my second round of chemo, my oncologist, Dr. Eradat, prepared me for the possibility that I might already be in remission. A chest x-ray is not precise enough to visualize the entire tumor, so he said we would do another PET CT. If things looked good, I would still need a full course of chemo to make sure every last cell cancer was gone, but I could downgrade to a less miserable regimen.
So this past Thursday, I go in for the scan. I recognize the technician from when I had my last scan, when I was first diagnosed. We joke about how I forgot to take off my bra beforehand, and she had to stop midway through so I could go change (I was such a cancer newbie then!).
As I work at the same medical center where I get my care, I have both the blessing and curse of being able to access the electronic medical record and obsessively read my own chart. So the second I get home, I log in. The images are uploaded, but there is no official read from the radiologist. As it’s late in the afternoon, I know it’s unlikely the radiologists will get to it before the end of the day.
I try to read the images myself. Unfortunately, psychiatry residency has not prepared me to diagnose myself with anything on a PET CT other than chemo-induced flabby butt syndrome (see photos).
The next day I have my weekly appointment with Dr. Eradat. We open the images but there is still no read, and even he needs the guidance of the radiologist, since reading a PET CT involves lining up the CT scan (which has excellent resolution, but is in greyscale) and the PET (which has poor resolution, but glows where the cancer is).
Because the results aren’t back yet, I have to talk in theoreticals. I know it would be a really good sign if I’m in remission, but I want to know how good.
“So, Dr. Eradat, how awesome would it be if I’m in remission right now? Like on a scale of 1 to 10?”
He looks at me quizzically. “Well, if you’re talking about a prognosis, it’s hard to give an exact percentage…”
I interrupt him. “No no,” I say. “I don’t need a percentage. Just give me a quartile. What quartile would I be in of cancer-fighting awesomeness if I’m in remission?”
He laughs, which is of course a natural response because I’m pretty funny, but I still don’t have an answer.
I change my tactic. “Ok, if you were to give me a grade, from A to F, in how good I would be at fighting cancer if I’m in remission, what grade would you give me?” I want to make sure he understands the question, so I gently suggest an appropriate answer. “A+?”
I never do get my answer, but it doesn’t matter. The next bit of news is so good it makes my jaw drop.
“Well, if you’re in remission,” he says, “the chemo regimen we change you to will be outpatient.”
He goes on, “Yeah… it would be a 30-minute infusion a day.”
You have to understand— up until now my only experience with chemotherapy has been Hyper-CVAD, which is essentially the most terrible regimen every invented. Six highly toxic drugs, at insanely high doses, administered in constant 24-hour infusions, in the hospital, while I am getting a zillion other drugs to prevent the chemo drugs from destroying my organs.
So hearing this news, I think my head might explode with excitement. Outpatient? Thirty minutes a day? Are you kidding me? I could do that in my friggin’ sleep!
I am ecstatic at this possibility, but we still need the PET CT results to make any plans. Dr. Eradat says he will track them down and call me when he has more information.
It is a few hours later when I get the call. I am at home. Peter and my parents are there. I answer the phone. Dr. Eradat, my angel, gets right to the point.
“Yup!” he says. “You’re all clear.”
Dear reader, let me break down this amazing news for you. In about six weeks, this tumor grew from a single cell to a giant mass that was compressing my lungs, impinging on my major blood vessels, and encasing my heart. It had metastasized to lymph nodes in my upper chest, lungs, and abdomen, and to the fluid collections in my lungs. I was at stage 4.
I had trouble breathing and my heart was beating out of my chest, coming close to not being able to do its job because of the pressure surrounding it. I had to start treatment emergently and did not have time to consider things like second opinions or my future fertility. It wasn’t until weeks later that I could even process what was happening to me.
In only five and a half weeks, this tumor has been knocked into oblivion. There is no evidence of any cancer on my scan.
Can you believe it? But also, didn’t you see it coming?
I owe so much to the medical system that has helped to heal me. Let’s be honest—had I been born 100 years ago, before chemotherapy, I probably wouldn’t be here right now.
I did not have a lifestyle cancer that could be cured with nutrition and exercise. I did not have a slow-growing cancer that afforded me the time to lackadaisically explore treatment options. I had a monstrous, aggressive cancer that randomly strikes young, healthy people without rhyme or reason, that could have killed me within weeks, but that is curable with medical treatment. But this is about so much more than some medications injected into my body.
Could you tell me that the kindness and compassion of my treatment team did not also heal me?
That the unwavering love and support of my family and friends did not also heal me?
That the positive thoughts and prayers of so many people who do not know me, but nonetheless hold me in their heart, did not also heal me?
That my will to survive did not also heal me?
That there is not some force in the universe that knows I still have something important to contribute that did not also heal me?
You could tell me these things 1000 times and I would not believe you, because I know with my entire soul what is true.
It’s not over yet, and I still have a hard road of treatment in front of me. But I have no doubt in my mind that everything will be okay, that I will be okay.
Fuck you, cancer. I win!
The stars have aligned! Congratulations on this incredible news. I am jumping up and down with happiness for you. Yes,you have along road ahead of you, but you know the ending…….you WIN!!!
Couldn’t agree more.
Congratulations and much love!
Elana: so so HAPPY for you sweetie!!! You will continue to get better and better!!!! hugs !!!
Fantastic news! I’m a three year breast cancer survivor, myself! Fuck cancer, is right! We win!! Vikki
I am literally choked up WITH JOY!!!!! Yes, you sure do have so much more to do in this life … and YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT ALLLLLLLL!!!!! SOOOO THRILLED FOR YOU!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers …. you are the most gracious and beautiful WINNER!!! xoxo deb
Dizzyingly glorious news!!!!! You are a BAD ASS and from your hospital bed over all these miles you have changed my outlook and my life. All my love and all my prayers xo
I am so so happy for you. My jaw actually dropped when I read this. You rock!
This is amazing news!!!!! Wow!
Excellent news! The absolute best!
Hell yeah, you win! Your post brought me to tears of joy. This Friday is my survivor day. Last year at this time, it was the worst day of my life. Now, it is the best day of my life. I am so blessed, and you are too. God bless you.
Congratulations! I am thrilled for you and only hope it will someday be my announcement too.
You don’t know me, but I am a shrink, and a 2 time cancer survivor (and an old fart) in Santa Monica, who went through hell and came back (and may someday go back again.. one day at a time..) Just want you to know I found your blog, and have been one of those FB people out there rooting for you, crying for you, cheering for you. Keep on living life fully. Lisa
Wow, brilliant news! You rock!
Wishing you the very best on your journey. Your writing is so honest and heart filled. I hope that you continue to get well so that you can bring your unique gifts that patients so need to Psychiatry.
I want to communicate something from a place of love. I work in healthcare and reading your own chart in this day of EMR is grounds to be fired on the spot… even physicians… my husband is a psychiatrist. I felt an internal cringe when I read that. Feel free to take note of my comment and delete it. `~)
Sending healing love into the universe for you. <3
I’m confused by this. I do not work in health care. Are you saying allowing a patient to read his or her chart would result in the doctor being fired? Or a health care professional reading his or her own chart would result in that health care professional being fired? As someone outside the system I would find either egregious. Any patient is entitled to read his or her own chart, no?
Wow! What miraculous news! Keep sending yourself only the best of thoughts and so will I 🙂
Wow! That is amazing. I am soooo happy for you. Keep on with the living!
I am wreathed in smiles. So unspeakably happy for you. Clearly, you have important things to do with your life. Congratulations!
In tears! Congratulations !!!!!
Wow wow wow!
I don’t know you but I am reading this with my mouth open. Mazel Tov!
May you continue to be better and better each day. The power of prayer and the will to live.
You are an inspiration!!! Thrilled for you, your loved ones and your team!
I’ve been such a fan of yours for some time, and can’t even tell you how happy I am for you. You are such an inspiration, and you’re absolutely right, you have so much more to contribute to this world. Fist-bumping you from down here in Newport Beach.
Sometimes the universe gives back. Beaming you positive thoughts and lots of love as you continue on this journey. So glad the road is a little less rocky for you.
Barb in Minnesota
I prefer a certain level of decorum in my comments. But in this case…
Fuck you, cancer. Elana wins!!!
Good to hear this great news…visited your blog after a long time and am shocked to read about your cancer. And happy to see you emerging a complete winner.. you are my inspiration for choosing psychiatry ..and you inspired me today have to live long to inspire meds like me…
It is nothing short of a miracle. May God keep watching over you during your journey.. Congrats from one cancer patient to another,,,,
Thank you Jesus!!!
I have followed you since the Huff Post published your “Love is……”
My thoughts & prayers have been with you & of you. I am so thankful that prayers have been answered. You are NOT cancer. Cancer DOES NOT define you. YOU ARE MORE && Jesus created you for more. Your future is bright & full of more than we can comprehend.
Dr. Miller- Mazol Tov!!! I am so unbelievably happy for you. I’ve been sick forever. You were able to put the chaos of my thoughts into words. You did it so well that while I’ve been reading your journey through terror & hell, I knew & felt it. The blessing was that I able to disconnect with your emotions because…well, I don’t know you. I am so very, very happy for you. You have survived being slammed by a Mac Truck of cancer & won.
You mentioned a steroid shot…I would bet a gazillion bucks that that is the reason your body changed it shape. That shit should be administered with a super strong antidepressant & a few pairs of sweatpants b/c nothing fits…cushings. (That is the name they told me, unsure of spelling).
Thank you for sharing your very personal story.
-Amy Saab
So happy for you! You do have much more to give and do.
Hi Elana!
Please know that we are sending you love and support from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado! Though I understand that your journey isn’t over… but we are partnering with you on that journey. Hugs, love, and prayers to you! -Deena
What wonderful news! Wishing you love + light.
WonderfulWonderfulWonderful news!
So happy for you, Elana!
Dr. Miller,
What wonderful news you have shared with us today, of all days! You have truly made an epic impact on this World Cancer Day. You are stronger than cancer and one day soon we will commemorate World Cancer Day as the day we eradicated this disease from our world.
Great news! Namaste
I am doing a happy dance for you! What incredible news. I am a cancer survivor as well and it thrills me every time I read of someone who has given cancer a good kick in the ass!
Way to go, Elena! Overjoyed!
Yayayayay!!!! Such fantastic news! I’m so very happy and excited for you. Thank you for sharing your journey with me. I’m glad I stumbled across your first cancer entry a few weeks ago. You have a new dedicated reader. I want to learn more about zen psychiatry and zen in general.
And yes, fuck you, cancer!!!!
What a joyous day!
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I am so happy for u , I’ve been praying for u!! this is great news!!! thanks for sharing your journey with all of us.. I know im just a stranger to you but this really made me so happy!!!
stay strong!! ur a winner!!!! may u continue to inspire the world with your positivity and bad ass attitude… lots of love <3
p.s. I really am so happy right now =]
Tears of Happiness for you! You are an inspiration.
With love from Boston
Fuck you cancer is right!!! Kee kicking a$$ girl!!! <3
Amazing and inspirational. Praying for you Elana!
Bravo, Elana! I’m very, very, very happy for you.
Simply awesome! Your picture today is worth a trillion bucks 🙂 Unimaginably happy for you out here in San Diego, CA!
Marlene <3
So very happy for you….
Love, light and blessings to you….
Julie xxx
Geraldton Western Australia
you are SOOO right!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!
LOVE, Luca
Way to go!! Bravo!!
What exasperatingly amazing news, Elana! Wow. Just wow.
My thoughts, prayers, and a thousand roundhouse kicks are with you on this (hopefully) last round 🙂 🙂 🙂
My heart is bursting with joy in this very moment! the power of compassion, caring, and loving presence to heal, along with some dang good drugs!
Yay Elana!!!! I am so thrilled to hear this! (And you are also hilarious)
Sam and I continue to root for you (and are also awaiting our psychiatry book club to resume so we can hang!). Sending love, Kirsten
Elana, your story hit me so close because it is almost a carbon copy of our son. Stuck very much the same way as you, he is now 13 months in remission! I saw this bumper sticker earlier, and it is so fitting for you – “Cancer, you picked the wrong bitch!” (the i was the purple ribbon).
Love love love!!
So inspiring!
Beyond thrilled for you. Your story truly is an inspiration to me. Sending Well wishes thoughts and prayers your way,
I found out about your journey on facebook and have been following your blog since. My heart has broken for you, your boyfriend, your family and friends while reading your heartfelt entries. I have felt your pain and your disappointment. I have wanted to reach inside the page of your blog and hug you until your pain leaves you in peace again, and I have cried knowing that you are scared and confused by what is happening to you. But now my heart is soaring with joy for you. What a blessing and miracle you are experiencing!!! I firmly believe that a great attitude, along with fantastic medical care and careful personal choices is the secret to overcoming this horrible disease. Some of my students gave me a sweatshirt when I entered remission that reads… “I kicked cancer’s ass” and I wear it proudly, but I must say that your declaration…”fuck you cancer!!!!!” is now my favorite saying. I can’t wait until we all can say…
Love you Elana!!! I am sooo happy to see this news! ah! you are amazing!!!!!!! You have many great things to do in life. You’ve already touched so many people but you are going to inspire and help so many more. This little cancer does NOT have a chance against you. Everyone’s your buddha (as you’ve said), even the cancer. 😉 Keep being awesome and strong and continue to know you will be just fine!! Yes!
This is terrific news Elana!!!!!
May further healing continue to come your way – you do have many more things to do in this life and make a difference. We need you here. I am so excited to read this news!
Wow, that’s amazing Elana. I want to say it’s a miracle but I think it’s more than that, even 🙂 Stay smiling! And I love the way you ended that post.
Joyful tears for you.
Love and light from
Ruth in Oz
I have tears in my eyes. That is amazing news and sounds miraculous! I’m with you… It’s not just about the drugs but also about the love, support had healing energy that surrounds you!!
I have tears in my eyes. That is amazing news and sounds miraculous! I’m with you… It’s not just about the drugs but also about the love, support and healing energy that surrounds you!!
Elana, I’m SO very happy for you and thankful that you’ll be around to write more of your brilliant thoughts on seeing the mind within the whole person. I can’t imagine how horrible and frightening the last weeks have been for you especially, but also for your family and your friends. Your readers are rooting for you! Positive energy being beamed from Canada …
This is the best, most amazing news! I have no doubt your positive energy and
resilient spirit had a lot to do with your healing. Thank you for sharing your journey so bravely and openly. While we do no know each other, I am on team Elana and will keep reading and rooting for you from the sidelines!!!!
I actually started tearing up as I read this. I am so incredibly happy for you! Five and a half weeks is pretty impressive. I think your positivity and courageous spirit also contributed to your healing. Congratulations <3
When I saw you note last night< I teared up for joy. I am so happy for you. I have been fight and winning my breast cancer battle since October and I have found your posts so spot on and true. Thank you for sharing your fight. I made me feel less alone in my own. May God continue to grant you the tools you need to win and support you need. Blessing!
Extra credit for doing it on World Cancer Day. Bravo!
You go girl! We’re all in this together! Many thanks for your beautiful words and for sharing your experience!
Great News…NOW start to change your Life Style with raw foods, juicing and anti cancer supplements. You need to plug the hole in the boat. You can bail ( with treatments ) but need to fix the problem….hole in the boat.
Check out this amazing site below AND his face book page.
You go girl!! You are awesome and fierce!!
I’m so happy for you Elana. I’ve been putting you in my prayers before I go to sleep.
Go surfing as soon as you can! Dawn patrol is calling you.
Ladies and gentleman, we have a WINNER!!!
Baruch hashem!
I couldnt help but smile when I read this post!!! This is fantastic news!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Only positive news from here on out!
I wish you peace, happiness, ecstasy and fulfillment. I wish you all the good things you dream of. I wish you live a long healthy happy life. I send you prayers for God to take care of you.
Crying with joy at your news! You go girl!
xoxo Melissa (South Australia)
In 10, 20, 30 years you will be giving your patients the link to this blog entry and inspiring them — showing them that they, too, can overcome any horrible forces that threaten to bring them down. Bravo on your wonderful achievement! I know that you will pay it forward and do much good in this world. Best wishes to you.
YOU GO GIRL!! What a true inspiration to all who are in their own battle with this horrible disease. Stay strong!!
Sweet. Best news – you made my day. Congratulations!
Dearest Elana,
I am so happy and excited for you! This is great, wonderful, fantastic news! I knew such a warrior as you are could only win but you did it with grave and with courage and with such a strong will that this miserable cancer had no chance at all. Congratulations to you on such a victory! OK, it’s not totally over but I’m sure it will soon be the case and you’ll wrap up the case quickly.
A bear hug to you from Switzerland;
I am so happy for you!!! Lots of love 🙂
I was overjoyed and relieved to see this latest blog. Congratulations Doc, you did it! You don’t know what a model of inspiration you are and will be for other psychiatrists and doctors on the power of the mind and soul in healing! The treatment was so embraced by your body due to your strong belief in it, your open heart and mind and of course all the love and support you received from all, I believe. Thank you for being so publicly vulnerable during a most frightening time in your life, and wishing you much love and continued healing. Xo
I have been following your posts and feel so inspired by your journey. Thanks for being so brave to share. My family has and is affected by cancer and I feel encouraged by your fighting spirit and the awesome results it had yielded for you. Sending you lots of love
THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!!! Congratulations, Elana, you are amazing!!!
I am so very happy for you! F you, cancer!!!
Love and prayers from Louisville, KY
Whoop Whoop! I have been thinking about you and sending good vibes! SO glad to hear your good news. Stay positive.
Hi Elena,
You don’t know me but I have seen your website shared by several residents (my husband Jake is a surgery resident) and checked it out. Congrats on remission – the best words your ears will hear! I too had cancer 1 1/2 years ago and was treated at UCLA by Dr. Eradat. He is the BEST doctor hands down! I actually got sad at the end of treatment that I wouldn’t be seeing him every week, sick right? So glad he is caring for you during this yucky part of life. Keep up the good work! You’ve got this! -Chelsea
Incredible!!! You’re a warrior Elena!!!
Wishing you all the best.
I am so happy for you, Elana! I love your honesty and “kick-ass” demeanor in your approach to this journey. You are truly an inspiration!
Congratulations Elena! I am an Esthetician certified in Oncology Esthetics and would love to know even more about your experience as a patient and in recovery , so that I can better serve beautiful people like you during and after such a challenge in this journey called Life. If you would like to share I believe my email is now in your database and would love to hear from you or ANY of your followers here 🙂
OMG! So happy for you! These are wonderful news! All the best from Germany!
I don’t know how I am just seeing your story, but I am THRILLED by your news. Cancer can just suck it. I have a PET scan on Monday, and am hoping for continued remission for me as well (from Stage 4 breast cancer). All the love in the world to you. I hope you continue to see decades of good health (and no more dances with cancer). xoxo
You are kicking ass!! So happy to see you beating this cancer!
Hi Elana,
I have been following your blog since you wrote about your diagnosis. I started my journey with an aggressive breast cancer around the same time and elected to do a clinical trial with a dose dense, highly toxic chemo before surgery. I’m halfway through the chemo and my lump has melted away.
I am extactic about your news!!!!! Despite being a relatively optimistic person and also a health care provider and no stranger to the mind/body/spirit outlook, my belief going into this was that chemo is horrible, probably won’t work, and that there is no coming back from a really bad diagnosis. This belief was based on having lost a child in 2002 for whom chemo was not even a viable option, and only caused suffering when tried as a last ditch effort.
Now, due to my current experience, and due to miraculous comeback stories shared by compassionate, generous people like yourself, my beliefs are changing. This is good because I feared that those negative beliefs would get in the way of my healing. Hope is a wonderful thing.
May you go from strength to strength, and come out the end of this whole and happy. Thank you for showing us grace and compassion under fire. I wish you the very best. If you would like to visit my caring bridge site, you can sign up and I’ll invite you.
Lots of love,
Doing a happy dance just for you. Yesterday was my one year survivor day. Keep kicking cancer’s ass. You got this!
Hallelujah! Congratulations! what a miracle.
I admit that as I read your post, I was on the one hand overjoyed and amazed and grateful at how complete recovery looks at this point.
But I also kept thinking that in this, it’s important to be thinking of and praying for the families of men and women (and girls and boys) who come from great, supportive communities, who had non-lifestyle treatable cancers, who battle cancer for YEARS, awful years with no clear options and devastating effects … and have no discernible victory in it, or worse, are losing the battle. The fact is, cancer is a monster and it doesn’t care who you are. The delicate thing in celebrating a victory is making sure there’s not an implied, inverse condemnation in a loss. For the people who are losing their battle with cancer, have their friends and families not loved them enough? Do they not have enough personal will to survive? Does a universal being think they don’t have anything left to contribute? No, you’d have to be crazy and cruel to think so. All the more reason then why it’s important to be considerate of those who do not get such a miraculous, resounding victory over cancer.
I remember John Wayne boasting he had “licked the Big C” and, of course,
it killed him later.
Thank you so much everyone for the kind comments! It’s such a heartening piece of good news for me in what has been a really difficult experience. It’s not over, and I still have 9 and a half more months of daily-to-weekly outpatient IV chemo, and then 2 years of monthly IV and pill chemo. But, to me, this makes me feel much more assured that I will finish my chemo, not have a relapse, and someday be called “cured.”
Regarding the last few comments from Holly and Paul — anyone who knows me or is familiar with my writing would not suggest I believe people who die from cancer have done something wrong or are getting what they deserve.
Some people seem to feel that happiness is a zero-sum game, but my happiness when I got this news and wrote this post does not take away from anyone else’s happiness. We can find shared joy in the good news of others, because as we are all human beings and share more in common than we don’t.
Remission just means that I have no evidence of cancer on my PET CT; it doesn’t mean there is no more cancer in my body (there probably is, hence why I still need 3 more years of chemo). I certainly hope it doesn’t come back and that I don’t die, but if something bad happens that will just be another thing for me to process and find peace with, just as I have with the fact that I was diagnosed with cancer at 31. Certainly the least of my concerns would be that I once celebrated this small victory of being in remission.
You go girl 🙂
“Yup!” he says. “You’re all clear.” Is probably going to the the line that you will remember for the rest of your life…… 🙂
And now that the cancer is taken care of……
How’s the flabby butt?? (lol, sorry I know everyone is thinking and I am the only one who dared to ask…) 😉
WOW Elana!
Huge hugs and congratulations! Continued grace and blessings!
You continue to show us what strength, clarity and love look like as you “process and find peace with” each moment and each comment.
May we all win.
You healed yourself 🙂 We all create our reality in totality, your positivity is admirable. Congrats and many blessings to you, may you continue to inspire others to heal 🙂
You are MARVELOUS! I’m so thrilled for you!
So so so so so happy. *INTERNET HIGHFIVE*
I look forward to hearing from you and reading this was truly incredible, I am so happy for you! Life never turns out the way we expect it to and that’s the beauty and horror of it all and yes, you will never be the same again but I’m certain that you will use this to be and do even more awesome things. I wish you continued improvement and health and send my thoughts and prayers to you!
With all your grace and style and ability to express yourself in writing you chose appropriately when you said “Fuck you Cancer, I win!”. It feels good doesn’t it!! Thanks again for sharing your story and giving others hope.
I’m smiling ear to ear right now. I’m soooo happy for you!!! Ecstatic. Absolutely wonderful news. You are so amazing. xxo
Hi Elana,
Just wanted to say congratulations on your remission. Turns out there are other psychiatrists (I’m actually gonna start my first year in July) who are also lymphoma survivors (I survived Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 14 years ago when I was 20, went through 6 cycles of chemo and radiation). I know a lot of what you went through. Congratulations on being in remission!
You Go Girl!
You are such a true inspiration to so many people, including myself!
So Happy for YOU!
Lot’s of Love from Miami !
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Hi Elana,
My father-in-law has just been diagnosed with Cancer and I’ve been reading about your journey and the Quick start that you put together. I just wanted you to know how incredibly inspiring you are and how giving you are to share your journey with others. You are really helpful and I’ll continue to follow and support you in your work. Thank you so much.
A Vocal Coach, Music Lecturer, Singer, Musician & Writer.
Hi, I log oon to your blogs daily. Your story-telling style is witty, keep
up the good work!